pOlitical items

Political Items is four things

  1. Best Of The Week: A compilation of articles about politics that are interesting, important or both (and that you might have missed).

  2. Polls in One Place: A wrap-up of the week's most informative survey research.

  3. Commentary and Analysis: Written by the Political Items editorial team, or veteran observers and analysts of American and foreign politics. 

  4. Night Owls: A podcast about politics, foreign and domestic, featuring Joe Klein and John Ellis.

Political Items focuses oN

The Electorate

The Forces Roiling the Electorate

Technology and Political Disruption

Political Economics —with an Emphasis on the Politics of Debt

The Politics of War

Political Items is not an "insider" newsletter. It's a view into what's happening outside.

There are two Political Items formats:

Format One

Political Items aggregates the most interesting or important political news stories, analyses and polling data into 2 weekly briefs.

Format two

Individual "columns" written by Mary WIlliams Walsh, Tom Smith, myself and smart,  knowledgeable contributors. 



$100 per year ($20 savings); $9.99 per month. 

Aggregation of substantial political reporting,  analysis and commentary.

"Night Owls," a podcast with Primary Colors author Joe Klein and News Items founder John Ellis.


“one of the smartest morning briefings I read”

— Katie Couric, journalist

“It is the most valuable newsletter out there. He writes about big things with clarity. No item is ever too long or too short.”

— Peggy noonan, columnist, wsj